Today is the 5th day of the fasting month. Time flies very fast hah. Few days left, my sis and family will be back in Singapore! Can't wait to start baking cakes and kuih-muih at the same time listen to the Hari raya songs...
I feel so lazy to meet my gynae next week. Hmmm.. Talking about twins. People get so excited about it. I was excited too. Now then i realize that pregnant with twins, can be risky too especially when they share the same placenta. Some will experience vanishing twins. Whereby the other child will disappear just like that and left with one. Kuasa Allah s.w.t. As for my case, both my babies didn't get sufficient blood supply. They passed away just like that in my tummy. I didn't experience any bleeding. Therefore, the check-up with my gynae was a shocking one for both me and my husband.
My husband has a twin brother. When he wanted to get to know me, he showed me these few photos. Without telling me clearly which one is him, i looked at the wrong person in one of the photos! Nasib baik kawin dengan orang yang betul.
Picture 1
Location: Airport
My husband only told me about this picture that he's wearing the brown jacket and the twin brother is wearing green jacket. The rest of the photos below, pandai-pandai make a guess.
Picure 2
Location: Airport
This is the twin brother in green jacket.
Picture 3
Location: Airport
Green is twin brother brown is my husband. Based on picture 1.
**Remember, he didn't mention anything about this picture.
**Remember, he didn't mention anything about this picture.
Picture 4
Location: Airport
If, picture 1 he's wearing brown, so brown is my husband and black is twin brother.
Confident seh Hudah~
Confident sangat... Till one day my husband snapped me about picture 4, and said "Hey! Im the one wearing black lar!" Oooopss!
Tu lar... nak berkenalan dengan bakal isteri, cakap biar lar terang. Nasib baik kawin dengan orang yang betul.
Ho ho Ho!