Saturday, 11 January 2014

Time flies very fast! Its 2014!! Many things happened in 2013. Good and bad. All i can say is Alhamdullilah everything goes smoothly. I manage to cope with the problems i had. 

Good things first...

I gave birth to a cute baby boy, Faiq Danish, who is turning 6 months in few days time. He was born on the 19th July 2013.

Giving birth to Faiq was much painful than giving birth to Nailah. I had to take epidural this time round. Firstly, i didn't have enough sleep. Secondly, blood came out after I got induced. Thirdly, I kept vomiting. I tried eating dates and air zam zam to gain energy but I vomited out everything. I was too weak to endure the pain. Whatever it is... Alhamdullilah everything went smoothly. 

They complete my life. 

Another thing that i would like to share is... Both Hubby and i started our new business. We no longer selling the Otterbox cases. We are now doing handmade accessories as well as selling apparels. 

We sell brooches, hair clips, hair band, ear studs and more!! Go to our FB page for more products.

Drumaddict not only for drummers. Everyone can wear it. To view more designs you can go to

Alhamdullilah. I really hope 2014 will be even a better year for me and my family. Insyallah. :) 

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Not much to update today. I will updating on my pregnancy. The previous check-up was 2 weeks ago. Baby was 6.87cm, should be longer by now.

5 months to go! Time flies very fast. Im very sure Kakak Nailah cant wait to see and play with her lil sibling. Poor Kakak Nailah, she has no one to play with at home. She got so excited whenever she meets her cousins.

Alhamdullilah, i get to eat whatever food im craving for. Thanks to my husband who is very patient to entertain my nonsense. :)

K lar, till then... Chaoz!

Thursday, 27 December 2012

14.12.2012 was my first time seeing my gynae. Alhamdullilah, we are able to see baby's heartbeat. Thats a relief. By now its already 11th week or some people prefer to count it as 12th week. Alhamdullilah. Bye bye first trimester. Welcome second trimester!

In 9th week, baby was 24 mm or 2.4 cm. I wonder how big is baby by 11th Jan 2013. Yup, next appointment will be on the 11th Jan. Excited~!

The first appointment with Dr June Tan...
Dr: Hi Nurhudah. You are pregnant again. Very good!

Yeah doc... We will never give up after the miscarriage.

This pregnancy is not the same as the first one. This time, when the pregnancy just turn second trimester... my appetite is not as great. I will only eat whatever i feel like eating. If not... I will force myself to eat and try not to puke everything out. :(

Whatever it is, i will always pray that my baby is safe and healthy. Amin.

Till then...


Monday, 17 December 2012

Lelong Lelong!! These item price is going down again!!

NOW: $50


NOW : $65

NOW : $55 -SOLD OUT-

NOW : $65

NOW : $65

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Hi there! Long time no see me. Just plain lazy to type and no idea what to type about. I try to update as frequent as i can. So that i can remember how my pregnancy is like every week and month...

Whaaat?? Pregnancy? Yeah. Alhamdullilah im 9 weeks pregnant now. I didn't mean to lie. Its just that im not ready to tell anyone. Except for.... my parents.... They must know, coz... during pregnancy period will surely feel tired to do this lar that lar. Then if i give reason that im tired... i will be labelled as "PEMALAS". So, to avoid all that... They must know! Obviously... my husband have to know.

3rd person to know... my 2 sisters.. Coz i actually told them about my "experiment". If my menses didnt come they surely suspect one! 4th person to know.. my best friend... Ni case the husband tersasol. I guess he is very excited compared to myself. 5th person to know my parents in-laws... Initially, the husband was the one who told me not to tell them... But i guess the husband's mouth is too itchy and so he was the one who told them... Yeah, only these people know... Eh wait... got one more person.. Nailah lar! Very loving sister okay! Every night she will always kiss and say good night to Adik. :)

About my "experiment" I will only share my "experiment" to interested party only. :D Cannot tell here... Not easy ok this experiment. *Of coz wont tell the intercourse part... that is secret behbeh*

Ive not seen my gynae yet. The appointment will be on this Friday. Very nervous okay!! I should say... abit paranoid lar. Maybe because of the miscarriage i had previously. I really hope that everything is fine... most importantly ... can see baby's heartbeat.

K, this time round the feeling is totally different. My morning sickness only happen at night. My first pregnancy steady bom pit pit k.. No morning sickness... but this time round.. Wah liao! Got a feeling that it is a baby boy. If my prediction is wrong, i don't mind actually.

Another thing that im paranoid is...

Now, i already could feel something moving inside my tummy and sometimes something kicking. Its impossible that it is gas. So i did a research, there are mummies out there that could feel baby moving inside them at 9 weeks or even lesser.

This feeling reminds me of my 2nd pregnancy. I could feel my babies were moving, but when the gynae checked.. They already have no heartbeat..

So that is the paranoid part. Whatever it is , i pray that everything is going to be fine. Amin.

Till then... Good night. :)

Friday, 5 October 2012

Its been awhile i didnt update my blog. Here's the new update for Otterbox. :)

iPhone 5 Defender Series : $70
iPhone 5 Commuter Series : $50
(We don't have Blush for Commuter)

Samsung S3 Commuter Series : $50

Samsung S3 Defender Series: $65

We still have iPhone 4s Defender and Commuter Series. 

iPhone 4/4s Defender: $65
iPhone 4/4s Commuter: $50

iPad 2 / New iPad : $118

Samsung Nexus Defender Series : $65

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Hello everyone,

Today is the 5th day of the fasting month. Time flies very fast hah. Few days left, my sis and family will be back in Singapore! Can't wait to start baking cakes and kuih-muih at the same time listen to the Hari raya songs...

I feel so lazy to meet my gynae next week. Hmmm.. Talking about twins. People get so excited about it. I was excited too. Now then i realize that pregnant with twins, can be risky too especially when they share the same placenta. Some will experience vanishing twins. Whereby the other child will disappear just like that and left with one. Kuasa Allah s.w.t. As for my case, both my babies didn't get sufficient blood supply. They passed away just like that in my tummy. I didn't experience any bleeding. Therefore, the check-up with my gynae was a shocking one for both me and my husband.

My husband has a twin brother. When he wanted to get to know me, he showed me these few photos. Without telling me clearly which one is him, i looked at the wrong person in one of the photos! Nasib baik kawin dengan orang yang betul.

Picture 1
Location: Airport
My husband only told me about this picture that he's wearing the brown jacket and the twin brother is wearing green jacket. The rest of the photos below, pandai-pandai make a guess.

Picure 2
Location: Airport
This is the twin brother in green jacket.

Picture 3
Location: Airport
Green is twin brother brown is my husband. Based on picture 1.
**Remember, he didn't mention anything about this picture.

Picture 4
Location: Airport
If, picture 1 he's wearing brown, so brown is my husband and black is twin brother.

Confident seh Hudah~

Confident sangat... Till one day my husband snapped me about picture 4, and said "Hey! Im the one wearing black lar!" Oooopss!

Tu lar... nak berkenalan dengan bakal isteri, cakap biar lar terang. Nasib baik kawin dengan orang yang betul.
Ho ho Ho!